Providing opportunities for people who are retired from full-time employment in Skipton and neighbouring areas

Out and About Groups

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For those looking for fun outdoor activities in Skipton and the surrounding area we have many groups to choose from.

2-Hour Hikes (62302/Out and About)

This group gives you the friendship and fitness opportunities of a morning hike near Skipton, allowing you to do other things in the afternoon. We walk up to 4 miles, at a pace both exhilarating and companionable. We take in the usual ups and downs and variable footpaths of the Yorkshire Dales (sorry, but no dogs). We try to match with bus connections from Skipton. As these hikes finish before lunch, you do not need to bring a picnic, just something to drink. Before each walk we email out details, and you reply if you are coming.

Ad Hoc Walking (62303/Out and About)

There is no programme; walks are proposed by group members at short notice taking advantage of good weather. Any group member can propose a walk anytime, anywhere, any length. The proposer can set the maximum group size. Groups are usually small (historical maximum: 18, average: 6). On joining the group, you will be sent the latest guidelines.

Allotment (62305/Out and About)

Self help group working together to grow vegetables fruit and flowers at Broughton Road allotments. No previous knowledge necessary just a willingness to work togetherThe group meets weekly but during the summer it is expected that members take a turn in any necessary watering during the week. The rota is organised on a Sunday and communicated by WhatsApp Cost of seeds, plants, compost and any other items needed to grow the produce.

Birdwatching (62309/Out and About)

Meetings are weekly and alternate between indoor meetings at Bolton Abbey Village Hall (where we have presentations from members and visiting speakers and some DVDs) and trips by car sharing or coach to nearby birdwatching spots. Many are RSPB reserves so membership is useful. The groups is co-ordinated by Jacqui but many long serving members help with leading small groups on trips/ giving presentations/ sorting I.T and making coffee. New members welcome!

Crown Green Bowls Group 1 (62350/Out and About)

Instruction and guidance on how to play Crown Green Bowls.

Crown Green Bowls Group 2 (62351/Out and About)

Instruction and guidance on how to play Crown Green Bowls.

Days out with a bus pass (62312/Out and About)

The Bus Pass group organises, via Whatsapp, trips out to various interesting locations.Enjoy a day out with friends, without the hassle of having to drive and find somewhere to park. The group runs throughout the year on different days of the week

E-Biking (62353/Out and About)

This group includes members with a wide range of experience and fitness who enjoy cycling. Routes and dates are negotiated, with communication via WhatsApp. Non-e-bike cyclists are most welcome to join us.

Gardening Group (62317/Out and About)

A social gardening group that share a love of gardening,. We share plants and gardening ideas. There are visits to formal gardens and also to member's gardens. We communicate by Whatsapp and email, and meet up as a big group two or three times a year

Geology Walks (62318/Out and About)

These morning walks take us through some fascinating geology of the Yorkshire Dales. We go to a local feature such as a hill, valley, quarry or mine. On our walk we look at landscape, rocks, fossils and minerals. Beginners and experts are all welcome, we are a friendly group and learn from each other. We meet at 10 am Monday fortnightly at the car parking at the start of the walk (sorry, but no dogs). The walks vary from 1 to 4 miles and may involve some scrambling. Before each walk I email out details, and you reply if you are coming.

Motorcycle group (62412/Out and About)

We are a group of motorcyclists who enjoy a ride out and a chat. All are welcome. We combine scheduled rides from March to early October , which are usually on Monday or Friday a couple of times a month with ad hoc rides at any time of year when the weather looks good and the urge to roam takes hold. We usually start at Morrisons in Skipton at 10:00am. We run the group via WhatsApp. Contact Harry Taylor at if you want to be included in the WhatsApp group.

Nature Rambles (62323/Out and About)

Occasional short walks to see, identify and discuss the flora and fauna that are at our feet and our fingertips. No expertise required. WhatsApp group also to share pictures and obeservations between arranged walks.

Shorty Walks (62334/Out and About)

Walks of 2 - 5 miles for those who prefer gentler exercise in a social context. Walks are offered and led by group members. Our programme includes walks in the Dales town trails canals and anything else any member wishes to offer! The information about each walk is emailed monthly with a reminder a few days before each walk. This includes date, time meeting place transport options walk length stiles and a general description of the terrain. All walks are at members’ own risk.

Walk to Lunch (62339/Out and About)

We offer morning walks of up to 5 miles followed by a pub/café lunch. Please note that a regular commitment to walks is required and pre-booking for walks/lunches is essential. Members must be fit to walk at a good pace and manage hills and stiles. Meeting points and pub menus are circulated by email a week before each walk. You’ll need boots, waterproofs, email access and (sometimes) a sense of adventure !!

Walking Group (62395/Out and About)

Walks of varying difficulty between 6 and 12 miles every Tuesday and Thursday. Occasional residential walking breaks

Wharfedale Walking (62340/Out and About)

A friendly way to walk, for reasonably good walkers, at an easy pace up and down the dales. Walks are on Saturdays, weather permitting and mainly in Wharfedale. We meet at the start of the walk at 10.00. We like to stop from time to time to take in the scenery and anything else of interest during the walk. You should have appropriate clothing, boots, drink and a picnic lunch. Typically, walks will be between 5 and 8 miles. (Sorry but no dogs). A few days before each Saturday walk a description of the walk is sent by e-mail, and you reply if you can come. New walkers are welcome to join at any time. Occasional walks during the Summer