I’m sorry to bother you with this again, but I wanted to check in and see if you had time to review our resource?
I know that you have more pressing responsibilities and that your time is valuable, so I’ll only check in once more after this to be sure I’m not wasting your time! Again,
I am always available for questions about our content and would love to help any way I can. I hope to hear from you soon.
Have a great day!
AUTHOR: Priscilla Newsam
AUTHOR EMAIL: pnewsam@bytemepr.com
SUBJECT: Craven U3A website query
[1_Name] => Priscilla Newsam
[2_Email] => pnewsam@bytemepr.com
[3_Comment] => Hi
I’m sorry to bother you with this again, but I wanted to check in and see if you had time to review our resource?
I know that you have more pressing responsibilities and that your time is valuable, so I’ll only check in once more after this to be sure I’m not wasting your time! Again,
I am always available for questions about our content and would love to help any way I can. I hope to hear from you soon.
Have a great day!
[email_marketing_consent] =>
[entry_title] => Contact
[entry_permalink] => https://cravenu3a.org/contact/
[feedback_id] => be7342b7589d185042a3a78afc51bb5e