I am getting in touch from arts charity Settle Stories. Our flagship event – Yorkshire Festival of Story starts this Friday and runs until the 28th November. I’m writing to invite you and your members to the event.
Owing to the pandemic last year we took the festival online and built a strong online community. This year the festival is all online again. There are over 50 events all of which are free and easy to access.
When a local group in Ilkley re-shared one of our posts on Twitter about the Festival it inspired me to get in touch as there is so much happening at this year’s festival that I believe your members would be interested in joining.
There are masterclasses to help people develop their storytelling skills. This could help members who have grandchildren learn to tell stories in a more engaging way. There’s a vocal training workshop with Barbara Houseman who has trained the likes of Jude Law! There are also many, many performances with award winning artists from across the country and panel discussions and lectures taking an indepth look at storytelling and literature.
I hope this is something you can share with your members.
You can find out more information here: https://yorkshirefestivalofstory.com/
If I can provide you with any more information, please let me know.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best Wishes,
AUTHOR: Charles Tyrer
AUTHOR EMAIL: charles@settlestories.org.uk
SUBJECT: Craven U3A website query
[1_Name] => Charles Tyrer
[2_Email] => charles@settlestories.org.uk
[3_Comment] => I am getting in touch from arts charity Settle Stories. Our flagship event – Yorkshire Festival of Story starts this Friday and runs until the 28th November. I’m writing to invite you and your members to the event.
Owing to the pandemic last year we took the festival online and built a strong online community. This year the festival is all online again. There are over 50 events all of which are free and easy to access.
When a local group in Ilkley re-shared one of our posts on Twitter about the Festival it inspired me to get in touch as there is so much happening at this year’s festival that I believe your members would be interested in joining.
There are masterclasses to help people develop their storytelling skills. This could help members who have grandchildren learn to tell stories in a more engaging way. There’s a vocal training workshop with Barbara Houseman who has trained the likes of Jude Law! There are also many, many performances with award winning artists from across the country and panel discussions and lectures taking an indepth look at storytelling and literature.
I hope this is something you can share with your members.
You can find out more information here: https://yorkshirefestivalofstory.com/
If I can provide you with any more information, please let me know.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best Wishes,
[email_marketing_consent] =>
[entry_title] => Contact
[entry_permalink] => https://cravenu3a.org/contact/
[feedback_id] => b65d0574c88a2c1a565b901fd25bafaf