2022 U3A Groups
New talks for U3A groups.
Two new talks are underway for 2022 and for which, alongside the existing ones, I am looking to take bookings for next year, as I know many of you plan well ahead.
For those of you who have already seen Time through the Ages you will not be surprised that Al Jazari is the subject of the first talk which is about his mechanical and engineering inventions back in the 12th century.
The second , which, tongue in cheek, I have entitled, ’If at first you don’t succeed, try something different.’ This is an illustrated presentation of resilience shown by people, past and present who have overcome early failures or limitations to achieve success. Those of you who have heard my ‘Let me fly again’ and ‘Extra Time’ will recognise the reasoning.
For people booking early, I am prepared to hold this year’s prices. I am also delighted to advise that I now have a website to which the following is a link.
Please do not hesitate to contact me for further information.
Kind regards
John Hope
AUTHOR: John Hope
AUTHOR EMAIL: johnhope436@gmail.com
SUBJECT: Craven U3A website query
[1_Name] => John Hope
[2_Email] => johnhope436@gmail.com
[3_Comment] => 2022 U3A Groups
New talks for U3A groups.
Two new talks are underway for 2022 and for which, alongside the existing ones, I am looking to take bookings for next year, as I know many of you plan well ahead.
For those of you who have already seen Time through the Ages you will not be surprised that Al Jazari is the subject of the first talk which is about his mechanical and engineering inventions back in the 12th century.
The second , which, tongue in cheek, I have entitled, ’If at first you don’t succeed, try something different.’ This is an illustrated presentation of resilience shown by people, past and present who have overcome early failures or limitations to achieve success. Those of you who have heard my ‘Let me fly again’ and ‘Extra Time’ will recognise the reasoning.
For people booking early, I am prepared to hold this year’s prices. I am also delighted to advise that I now have a website to which the following is a link.
Please do not hesitate to contact me for further information.
Kind regards
John Hope
[email_marketing_consent] =>
[entry_title] => Contact
[entry_permalink] => https://cravenu3a.org/contact/
[feedback_id] => 4e2d44d4d0cb15cb06e6e9b3d2040a5a