I have recently moved to Embsay and I would like to continue with my French.
I have spoken to Peter Self the french teacher, he kindly said I could be included in the class until the end of March when he tells me he is retiring.
My question is are you going to be continuing the class, if so I would like to become a member of U3A.
I look forward to your reply
Many thanks
Ms Jean giles
AUTHOR EMAIL: jeangiles@hotmail.co.uk
SUBJECT: Craven U3A prospective membership
[1_ForeName] => Jean
[2_SurName] => Giles
[3_Address] => 3 Hill Top Close, Embsay
[4_Town] => Skipton
[5_Postcode] => BD23 6PA
[6_Email (preferred but not required)] => jeangiles@hotmail.co.uk
[7_Phone] => 01756 794911
[8_mobile] => 07951937490
[9_Notes] => I have recently moved to Embsay and I would like to continue with my French.
I have spoken to Peter Self the french teacher, he kindly said I could be included in the class until the end of March when he tells me he is retiring.
My question is are you going to be continuing the class, if so I would like to become a member of U3A.
I look forward to your reply
Many thanks
Ms Jean giles
[entry_title] => Prospective membership
[entry_permalink] => https://cravenu3a.org/beacon-membership-database/prospective-membership/
[feedback_id] => 15facc871008c5367439dccc063550da