Providing opportunities for people who are retired from full-time employment in Skipton and neighbouring areas

Craven u3a Open Event August 2024

There was an excellent attendance at the Open Event and the feedback has been very positive.
First of all a huge thank you to the 50 group leaders who showcased their fabulous range of activities.
Also, many thanks to the committee members and others who acted as guides and helped people join our flourishing u3a.
Almost 50 new members joined us on the day and in fact over 140 have swelled our numbers since July 1st. A warm welcome to you all.

And, of course, many thanks to returning members as well, especially if you passed on the good news about our u3a and encouraged friends and neighbours to join us!
Activities have recruited well. However there are still spaces on a number of activities.
Here’s to another year of 70+ activities: We are delighted that new activities like Art, Pottery Collective, Solo Latin Dance and Badminton have recruited well, as have ‘People and Places’ courses run by some of our most experienced Group Leaders.

If anyone wants to make any suggestions about our Open Event or the Programme, please feel free to contact any Committee member.