My husband and I are paid up Ilkley U3A members, but live in Skipton now.
Is it possible to attend any groups, for a trial period, under the West Net scheme?
It is likely that we would become Craven members at the next enrollment.
Janet Allsebrook (U3A memb no. 7262901)
AUTHOR: Janet Allsebrook
AUTHOR EMAIL: jfallsebrook@gmail.com
SUBJECT: Craven U3A website query
[1_Name] => Janet Allsebrook
[2_Email] => jfallsebrook@gmail.com
[3_Comment] => Hello,
My husband and I are paid up Ilkley U3A members, but live in Skipton now.
Is it possible to attend any groups, for a trial period, under the West Net scheme?
It is likely that we would become Craven members at the next enrollment.
Janet Allsebrook (U3A memb no. 7262901)
[email_marketing_consent] =>
[entry_title] => Contact
[entry_permalink] => https://cravenu3a.org/contact/
[feedback_id] => 10e785b0618c276d34bca67f394e0b64