Hi I wish to pay my membership fee, you did e-mail me however cannot find them.
Sorry. Can I send you a cheque.
ALSO my friend Mike Jackson, who lives in Kelbrook is having difficulty in knowing how to pay his subscription, can he also send you a cheque. If possible need the address. please.
My very best wishes , Suzanne Beresford
AUTHOR EMAIL: s.jberesford@btinternet.com
SUBJECT: Craven U3A prospective membership
[1_ForeName] => Sue
[2_SurName] => Beresford
[3_Address] => 2 church Lane
[4_Town] => Kelbrook, Lancashire
[5_Postcode] => BB186UF
[6_Email (preferred but not required)] => s.jberesford@btinternet.com
[7_Phone] =>
[8_mobile] => 07973633040
[9_Notes] => Hi I wish to pay my membership fee, you did e-mail me however cannot find them.
Sorry. Can I send you a cheque.
ALSO my friend Mike Jackson, who lives in Kelbrook is having difficulty in knowing how to pay his subscription, can he also send you a cheque. If possible need the address. please.
My very best wishes , Suzanne Beresford
[email_marketing_consent] =>
[entry_title] => Prospective membership
[entry_permalink] => https://cravenu3a.org/beacon-membership-database/prospective-membership/
[feedback_id] => d4a242d21df7a9f6fe2df374d6252dfe